Triangulatica 1.7.0
• AMD RADEON video adapters compatible
Version 1.7 contains major updates to improve compatibility and reduce hardware requirements for computer’s hardware. The list of supported video adapters supplemented with AMD RADEON based video cards and some video chips embedded in motherboards.
The developers plan to expand compatibility in the next versions – work with Intel video chips has begun.
• Improved GPU computing performance
The developers plan to expand compatibility in the next versions – work with Intel video chips has begun.
Optimization of the algorithms of the Triangulatica’s computational cores made it possible to obtain a 2-3 times increase in the performance of some calculations on video cards.
• Migrating to the .NET CORE Platform
Since version 1.7 Triangulatica runs on the .NET CORE platform.
• Updated installer
An updated version of the installer, better manage all operations for deploying Triangulatica on the user’s computer and the components required for full-featured stable work.
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Triangulatica 1.6.0
• Generation of meta-structures
Parametric volumetric infillings are now available in Triangulatica. The calculating of meta-structures (grids, lattices and minimum surfaces) occurs on the fly during the slicing process.
Our users got the opportunity to calculate layers with fillings by 3 and 4-threads (wires) regular lattices, 4-threads (wires) irregular lattices, Kelvin cells, minimum gyroid surface and minimum Schwarz surfaces of type P (Primitive) and D (Diamond). The generated fillings can be any size and this makes it possible to exclude the preparation for additive manufacturing of a large volume detailed 3D models and the loosing of enormous computational resources and time for calculating the slicing layers of this models.
This new remarkable features are integrated into the logic of the composition of complex additive manufacturing strategies of Triangulatica and are in demand in medicine, engine manufacturing, space industry, etc.
• Export to AFF format
The ability to export slicing layers to AFF format has been implemented.
Video tutorial:
• Redesigned interface of Object manager
Triangulatica have got an renewed user interface. Object manager has been redesigned for for more convenient work. The new Object manager has been moved to the right side of the main window and has a tighter layout. This change makes it easier to work with complex objects on the scene and makes it clearer to assign strategies to these objects and their components.
• The main ribbon menu of Triangulatica has been renewed
Minor stylistic changes have been made to the main ribbon menu of Triangulatica.
Triangulatica 1.5.5
• Draging of objects by mouse
Now you can move objects and groups of objects in the XY plane by holding the object with the left mouse button.
Tricks: Hold Ctrl button when a few of objects selected to move only one object.
• Dublicate objects on the scene (Ctrl+D)

Duplicate objects and groups of objects using the duplicate function.
Tricks: Use Ctrl+D to dublicate faster.
• Avoid neighbourhood now works in Simple unidirectional filling and in Simple bidirectional filling strategies.
Use the parameter Avoid neighbourhood in Simple unidirectional filling and Simple bidirectional filling for interlace hatching.
Triangulatica 1.5.4
• Support for cylindrical working fields with an orthogonal axis
Now it is convenient for our users to prepare work tables for additive manufacturing systems with a circular working area in XY. The diameter of the table border is displayed at the base of the working volume. If the model crosses this diameter, then Triangulatica displays the boundaries of the build volume and the user immediately sees where the model crossed the boundaries of the build volume and can move the model so that it completely returns to the build area.
• Displaing and configuring of work platform mounting holes and indication of model intersections with the mounting holes
Triangulatica allows you to customize the position of the mounting holes of worktable so that the user can control the intersection of models with these holes. Triangulatica helps to the user avoid intersections of models in those areas of the build volume, which will need to be accessible after printing to remove the build table from the additive manufacturing mashine. This feature is relevant for SLM 3D printing systems, where the work platform is often fixed with large bolts.
• Building of UpSkin and DownSkin (upward looking and downward looking surfaces) of models
To obtain high-quality surfaces, we introduced the ability to setup dedicatedc settings for 3D model surfaces that are oriented up or down (UpSkin and DownSkin). For example, when printing with metals using SLM technology, it is necessary to provide high-quality contact to the supports of those surfaces of the model that are directed towards the building table, but to high-quality print model’s surfaces directed upwards are required more softer settings. When developing a slicing strategy, it became possible to create additional passes that apply different printing strategies to the necessary parts of the model to a user-defined depth.
Tricks: using UpSkin / DownSkin in Triangulatica, you can print shell of models without additional reengineering of the model: create parameters in the first pass for supports, set the second pass for DownSkin, in the third pass make settings for regular model layers with a large number walls without filling the body of the mode and in the fourth pass enter the parameters for the UpSkin. The print will form a shell of the model without filling. The material inside the shell can then be removed by drilling a hole in the finished product.
• Setting the order of the printing strategy pass
The operator can set the order of building the elements of the print scene. This feature will be useful for those who use our technology of supports penetration in 3D model while printing, make complex strategies with layer painting in several stages or operate with UpSkin / DownSkin settings.
Tricks: To work with complex materials, you may need to make the first pass a reinforcing grid on a slice of a layer with a large step, and with the second pass, fill over this gid with a pattern with frequent lines. Just create several passes with different parameters and change the order of the passes by dragging and dropping to set the desired order.
• Tips & Trics appeared in Triangulatica
You can quickly learn how to use the interface by looking at the prompts when Triangulatica starting. Disabled Tips & Trics can always be re-enabled in the settings.
• The principles of licensing have changed
Triangulatica is now available with an annual subscription and unlimited slices in Tiangulatica Basic UNLIMITED, Triangulatica Master UNLIMITED and Triangulatica Premium UNLIMITED versions, or as a low-cost annual subscription with payable slices by TriPoints under licenses: Tiangulatica Basic PAY BY SLICE or Tiangulatica Master PAY BY SLICE.
We have added cloud licenses, and soon Triangulatica will be available for short term rental. If your organization needs to expand computing abilities for slicing, then it will be enough to rent a license for the required time – two weeks or more. Also, this function will be useful for those who develop their own additive manufacturing systems and want to better learning trial version of Triangulatica.
• New algorithm for optimizing of the models and pre-slicing into TriSTL format
Acceleration of the pre-slice stage by 1,000 – 10,000 times. The algorithm works equally efficiently and quickly on both small and very large models.
• Accelerated work of the Triangulatica interface
• Reworked settings for new printers, materials and strategies
• Fixed a large number of bugs
• Improved stability with Triangulatica
• New installer
The new installer allows our users to install in a convenient language. Available now: English, Russian, Chinese, French and Spanish.
The new installer includes the ability to automatically install our free TriBinViewer utility, which allows you to analyze our TriBIN slicing files.
• Localization of Triangulatica dictionaries into Chinese has begun
• Significantly improved algorithms for automatic generation of supports for local minimums and perimeters of the models

• Preset manager for supports
Our users can now create sets of favorite supports settings and build supports of this type in manual or automatic modes in one click. To create a support preset, set the required support parameters and click the “Create preset” button. The preset will be available when you select the type of support (symbol > appear at the right of the support type selection box).
• Improved export algorithms for CLI and SLC-formats
This Triangulatica feature makes it easy to configure our slicer to work with printing systems that use SLC or CLI formats as their input printing format. Go to the File – Settings menu and in the Printers section create an SLC printer or CLI printer and select it. Then a little higher (in the Materials section) add the material of the required type and even higher (in the Strategies section) create a strategy with this material. Triangulatica is ready to work with your printer!
• The object manager added the ability to quickly select or deselect all objects, delete selected objects and grouping operations
• Accelerated slicing algorithms
• In this Triangulatica release we would like to introduce our new multimaterial & multypass raster slicing technology. With this solution users may get in single slice (sequence .PNG image for ex.) the information about different strategies of curing UV-resin or define a different strategies for each functional element on work table (model/mesh, supporting structures, rafts, model walls or model filling). Printing software may be programed for different curing time for each color channel. Also this technology may be very useful for MJM, BinderJet, other Jet technologies, 3D printing technologies based on piezo inkjet printheads, BioPrinting and other solutions as give a wide posibilities for printing material mixing in one layer;
• Antialiasing settings (antialiasing level, middle antialiasing point);
• Slicing in White, Red, Green, Blue color channels for different elements on worktable with color mixing feature;
• GPU based fast raster slicing.

• Raster multypass slicing technologie.
• Raster slicing algorithms improved.
• List of importing meshes formats expanded with: IFC, AMF, 3MF, 3DS, Blender, FBX, OBJ, PLY, X3D;
• Undo/Redo feature released;
• Online licenses activation feature..
• Support generation process performance increased.
• Interface performance increased.
• New Raft scale feature;
• Fixed a few little bugs.

• CLI format supporting! Now you can use Triangulatica with 3D printers based on ScanLabs, Raylase, Cambridge Technologies end other galvo scanners;
• CLI ASCII & CLI binary format supporting;
• Exporting layer parametric fillings and patterns to CLI format to extend user possibilities;
• Fixed a few little things.
• Manager of presets for building supporting structures;
• Drag’n’Drop for opening scenes and importing models;
• A new GPU-based algorithm that speeds up the calculation of editable supports;
• Fixed a few little things.
• Support building for flying (local minimums) 3D model’s zones;
• Support’s structures building for 3D model perimeters;
• New printers manager for creating custom user profiles and manage predefined profiles;
• Extended material profiles manager with dozens of parameters;
• Gcode slicing for FDM/FFF 3D printers (alfa release);
• Improved slicing algorithms for SLC 3D printers;
• Improved slicing algorithms for TriBIN 3D printers;
• Mode for slicing with various 3D printing strategies on same worktable;
• New model analizer, optimizer and mass converter to TriSTL format;
• “Triangulatica’s HOW TO? and FAQ” youtube cannel open;
• Many minor issues fixed.
• SLC format supporting! Now you can use Triangulatica for industrial grade 3D SLA/SLM printers from Shinin3D, HontaiSLA, King3D and others…
• How to use SLC will be discribed little bit later.
• Galvo calibration feature built into slicing Triangulatica’s core based on correction tables (Use TriCorrection utility to make a correction tables). Works faster up to 20 times;
• A new printer manager allows you to connect third-party printers using the TriBin format or download ready-made printer profiles from our server;
• Optional mode of slicing high-poly models, accelerating slicing up to 4 times;
• The ability to control sinhro-timings of laser on/off for SLM, SLA, SLS;
• New TriBin Viewer with animated functions of building a layer and animation of viewing layers;
• Improved math of support structures generation.